Image of Year 1 Geography- Physical features of the countryside
18 April 2023

Year 1 Geography- Physical features of the countryside

Wow! Year 1 were absolutely amazed by the images of the countryside when learning about the physical features, such as valleys, forests, fields and mountains. They were able to recall and rehearse their new knowledge before applying it independently to their own task. Year 1 were able to label…

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20 March 2023

W/C 20.03.23


In English this week we have been focusing on writing a letter based on the story of Lost and Found. First we we kept the features of a letter before we then went on to creating a plan together. From this plan we wrote the introduction of our letter to the birds to tell them the penguin…

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13 March 2023

W/C 13.03.23


This week in English we have been writing an alternative retail of lost and found. The children chose to change the character of the penguin to an alien, and they said that he went to space rather than the South Pole. our focus this week was using conjunctions and the suffixes ing and…

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6 March 2023

W/c 06.03.23

What a wonderful but snowy week we have had this week! Although it was a bit of a distraction, the children have really enjoyed the snow and was still super focused on their learning.


This week in English we have worked on retelling the story of lost and found. To begin the week we…

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27 February 2023

W/C 27.02.23

Well I can’t believe we are in Spring Term 2 already. What an amazing first week we have had!

This week we introduced our new value of the half term. The focus value is inspiration. We talked about what this meant and how we could be an inspiration and show inspiration as well as talking about…

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13 February 2023

W/C 13.02.23

Well I can not believe we are at the end of Spring Term 1. It has simply flown by. The children have all worked hard showing determination, which has been our value of the half term. They have grown in confidence and independence and shown increased pride in their work. 

In English this week,…

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6 February 2023

W/C 06.02.23


this week in English the children have been focusing on writing poetry – specifically acrostic poems. To begin the week the children focused on finding the features of an acrostic poem, including the title, the word written vertically down the side, and the sentences that link to the…

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23 January 2023

W/C 23.01.23

What another brilliant week of learning! 


This week have been focusing on letter writing. We focused first on the features of a letter - thinking about the address, greeting and introductory paragraph etc. We followed this by thinking about the character who the bear would write a…

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16 January 2023

W/C 16.01.23

Week 17

It’s been a very cold this week and we’ve even had a number of snow showers, resulting in some of us unable to come to school. However, this didn’t stop us, those who stayed at home completed home learning, sending in lots of photos of their hard work which was wonderful to see. For…

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9 January 2023

W/C 09.01.23

This week we introduced our new focus value of the half term, 'determination'. We discussed what determination means and how we can show determination at school. The children gave some fantastic definitions and examples. In class, they have most definitely been showing this in all aspects of their…

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2 January 2023

W/C 02.01.23

It has been so lovely to welcome the children back after the winter break. They all came back eager to learn and gave 100% in all their learning.


This week, we have started with a new text 'The Bear and the Scary night'. We focused on lots of book talk to help us unpick the text and…

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28 November 2022



This week we have finished writing our missing poster for Mother Owl. The children blew us away with their independence and the skills they used. Many included the conjuction 'and' which is a new skill to them. We then moved on to instruction writing, where we have identified features…

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