Welcome to our Governance section. This includes details of how our Governing Body (Academy Council) is structured, including the names, categories, responsibilities and terms of appointment for each Academy Councillor. 

The role of an Academy Council is an important one. It is to provide focused governance for the Academy at a local level and it is the intention of the Shaw Education Trust Board to ensure that the responsibility to govern the Academy is vested in those closest to the impact of decision-making.

The Academy Council monitors the Academy's key performance indicators and acts as a critical friend to the Principal and the Academy's senior leadership team, providing challenge where appropriate.

The Academy Councils carry out their functions in relation to their respective Academy on behalf of the Shaw Education Trust Board and in accordance with policies determined by the Trust Board. The act of delegation from the Shaw Education Trust Board to the Academy Council is a delegation of powers and duties, and not a delegation or shedding of responsibilities. 

Commitment of Academy Council Members

Academy Councillors are asked to:

  • prepare for and make an active contribution at meetings of the Academy Council;
  • champion the Academy in the local community;
  • familiarise themselves with the Academy's policies;
  • visit the Academy both during school hours (with prior arrangement with the Principal) and for evening events to get to know the Academy and to be visible to the Academy community;
  • attend training sessions for effective governance.

Throughout the school year, we will provide opportunities for our families to meet with our Academy Councillors which will be published via our Newsletter and then added to this section of our website.  

If you would like to speak to an Academy Councillor outside of these dates please notify the school office.