Well I can not believe we are at the end of Spring Term 1. It has simply flown by. The children have all worked hard showing determination, which has been our value of the half term. They have grown in confidence and independence and shown increased pride in their work. 

In English this week, we have been continuing with our work on acrostic poems. This week the focus of our acrostic poem was winter. We created a vocabulary word bank together as a class and the children then used this to create their own acrostic poem. They were fantastic. They then performed these to the class, showing courage and when in the audience they showed fantastic respect. Myself and Mrs Dove couldn’t have been any more proud of them all. 

In Maths this week, we have been continuing our work on multiplication and division. 

We looked at how many different ways we can use practical resources to make equal groups. We then used our knowledge and understanding of this to answer varied fluency, problem solving and reasoning questions. We then used this to help us understand sharing. The children were fantastic with this and showed a real secure understanding.

In Science, we have been learning about adaptation in winter. We learnt that adaptation is where animals change to survive. This includes animals like squirrels, gaining weight so that the fat helps to keep them warm. Some animals like artic foxes, adapt by their fur changing colour so that they can camouflage from predators. Others have to change their diet as the food they eat is not readily available in winter.

In History this week, the children showcased their learning from the half term by recalling 5 facts that they have learned. The children wowed me with their knowledge and used key vocabulary when writing and recalling verbally.

Have a wonderful half term spent with friends and family.

We look forward to seeing you all when we return to school on Monday 27th February.