Forest school - Let’s get creative!
We used a range of natural materials to make a variety of creative items, we had fun creating them, we hope you like them!
Order of operations
Year 6 have been learning about order of operations in Maths. We have learnt that any calculations in brackets must be completed first!
Listen to your conscience
Year 6 showed their understanding of Isabella’s thoughts as she breaks a promise made to her best friend, inspired by our class text ‘The Girl of Ink and Stars’.
Finding evidence in Reading
In our Reading lessons, we have been learning how to agree or disagree with statements finding evidence from the text through skimming and scanning.
Forest School - Mud and Bugs!
We had great fun today painting with MUD! We also explored and hunted for bugs, the rain meant we found lots of worms!
The History of Staffordshire
Year 6 have thoroughly enjoyed our History topic, learning about the history of the town we live in. This week, we learnt about the Georgian era and all that Wedgwood did for The Potteries!
Forest school (after school)
Today the children investigated for bugs and made their own paint from mud!
Week 3, Forest School. Den Building!
Amazing team work today, well done Year 3!
Week 2, Forest School. Tied up in knots and mud painting!
Fun in the sun, today we painted with mud, showed super team work by making picture frame and hunted for bugs!
Week 1, Forest School
What an amazing first session, we are all so very excited!
Mental maths
Year 6 have been practicing their times tables when learning about factors, multiples and prime numbers.
Skittles in Science
As part of our topic learning about the circulatory system, Year 6 used skittles and water to investigate how nutrients pass into our bloodstream from our digestive organs.