This week, we have been learning all about Bonfire Night. We discussed how and why this event is celebrated, and used our speaking and listening skills when sharing our own experiences. We also discussed how to stay safe on Bonfire Night.

We discussed our five senses and the children used these to help them describe what happens on Bonfire Night. We enjoyed listening to the sounds of different fireworks, as well as a bonfire, and even a sparkler! We paid close attention to the different noises we could hear, and the colours we could see. We thought of some wonderful adjectives to describe fireworks, including 'sparkling' and 'glittery'.

We read the story 'Sparks in the Sky' to support our learning about Bonfire Night. We discussed how the characters in the story celebrated Bonfire Night and made comparisons to our own experiences.

In Maths, we have been learning about addition. We used objects to help us answer addition problems practically. We carefully selected the correct number of objects we needed to represent each number, and then remembered to count how many objects we had altogether to find the total. We wrote the answer on number sentence prompt. The children are able to read addition number sentences, correctly identifying the + and = symbols!

In writing, we have been practising our letter formation, focusing on the 'Curly Caterpillar' letters. We are working on ensuring our letters are an appropriate size and that they are sitting on the line correctly. We have also been applying our Phase 2 phonics knowledge by segmenting CVC words and writing the correct grapheme to represent each sound. 

We have created lots of Bonfire Night artwork this week, using different materials and tools!