This week has been a special week, Stingrays took part in a 2-minute silence as a mark of respect on Friday 11th November as we remembered Remembrance Day. To remember those who fought in war we produced some beautiful pieces of Remembrance Artwork, painting a watercolour backwash and adding silhouettes to represent soldiers and animals on the battlefield, adding detail to celebrate where the poppies now grow.\


In our Grammar lesson this week we focused on punctuating dialogue correctly, this is something Stingrays needed to focus upon based on our independent writes. We will continue to work on using inverted commas correctly when someone is speaking next week to become consistent and secure. In Writing this week we have recapped on our knowledge of writing DASH paragraphs to structure our writing; it was lovely to see Stingrays have grown in confidence to use this structure producing some wonderful pieces of work. We also challenged ourselves using high level vocabulary to describe and interest the reader. We have been working really hard to build our writing pace to improve our stamina in writing narrative retells. I have seen a significant difference in the high-quality sentences that are being created by Stingrays, but we shall continue to work on the amount of work we are producing. 


In Arithmetic this week, we have been focussing on scaling by 10. We have learnt how important our knowledge of our times tables are in order for us to be able to calculate larger equations mentally such as 700 x 4. This is a crucial arithmetic skill, and I was blown away at how quickly Stingrays were able to pick up the method and see the pattern of scaling. In Maths this week, we started learning all about the properties of quadrilateral shapes. We learnt what is meant by a quadrilateral and which shapes are classified as quadrilaterals. There were a few misconceptions in this lesson over comparing quadrilateral properties, so we continued our learning the following day. Towards the end of the week, we then moved onto recognising lines of symmetry and drawing symmetric figures. On Thursday the children struggled to draw shapes accurately so on Friday we completed symmetric figures on A3 paper to make it easier to see the symmetry. Some of us even challenged ourselves by creating our own symmetric figures from scratch using a plain grid!