What a fantastic first full week of learning we have had in Whales class. The pupils have embraced their new responsibility of being in Year 6 and have worked hard across all of their subjects. 
In English, we have been exploring WAGOLLS of setting descriptions in order to immerse ourselves in the high level vocabulary needed to write a setting description. We have learnt new vocabulary such as omnipotent, silhouette, protagonist and foreboding. We put these words into context and explored how they can be included effectively in our writing. 

Super star writers this week include:

Ore, Travon and Andre

Well done writers!

In Maths, we have been exploring place value. We discussed the values of each digit in a number. To link with this and consolidate our learning, in Arithmetic, we have been learning how to multiply and divide by 10,100 and 1000 with various numbers. 

In Science, we began to explore our topic of 'Living things and their habitats'. We learnt the key word 'classification' and completed tasks which helped us explore the meaning of this word. 

We classified ourselves based on number of siblings and favourite things. We saw that groups could be different sized and that classification sometimes became difficult with 'grey areas'. We also had great fun classifying our stationery by different characteristics. 

We learnt that 'taxonomists' are scientists who classify living things. 

Next week, we will link this learning to a famous taxonomist. Watch this space!

In Geography, we enjoyed recapping the features of rivers and applying this to the Amazon river. We learnt about how rivers begins as brooks or streams and run downhill due to gravity. We discovered that the Amazon river has many meanders and leads across to continent of South America.