Forest schools enrichment morning!
Today the children took part in forest school as part of their enrichment. We built dens, went on a bug hunt, did mud painting and drank hot chocolate. We used our senses lots this morning!
Imagine That! Trip
Today Duck class have been on a trip to ‘Imagine That!’ In Liverpool. Everyone was so well behaved on the coach and we really enjoyed spending time exploring different science experiments. We even got to make our own snow! We then got to play in the role play areas and got to pretend to do all…
Buying items for making gingerbread men!
Today the children went to Lidl to buy all the ingredients needed to make Gingerbread men! This afternoon we will be making our gingerbread men ready to decorate tomorrow. The children were so well behaved and loved being in the supermarket and looking at prices and using money to buy their…
Using money!
Today the children have been exploring the topic of money. We discussed what money is and why we need money. We then looked at all the different coins and what each number on the coin represents. For their activity the children had some coins and had to go shopping in our school shop! They had to…
The features of a castle!
Continuing our work focusing on the traditional tale of Rapunzel, the children were looking at the different features of a castle. We discussed what type of people lived in castles, why castles were useful and then looked at specific features and their uses. We looked at moats, the high walls,…
Red2Blue: our feelings and emotions
This morning we spoke about Red2Blue and discussed how we can regulate our emotions and who to go to if we feel like we are in a red head. We then listened to the story ‘My monster and me’ and ‘The colour monster’. We then had a whole class discussion about feelings and what colour we are today…
Identifying geographical features in a traditional tale
Today the children identified different geographical features in the story ‘The Three Billy Goats Gruff’. They were able to identify and describe features such as the river, the mountains and the meadow. They then began to discuss how this is different to where we live in Stoke-on-Trent. We…
Moving in different ways-Gymnastics
Today in PE the children have been looking at moving in different ways. We role played being an alien flying to the moon and explored how an alien could move. We moved as a slow alien, a wide alien, a tall alien and an energetic alien. We also recapped the shapes we learn in gymnastics last week…
Features of a fiction text
Today we have looked at the features of a fiction book. We used our focus text of ‘The Three Little Pigs’ and identified features such as the title, spine, blurb, illustrations and authors name. The children listened to the story and were then able to tell me what happened at the beginning, middle…
How to be hygienic in the toilet
Today during circle time we discussed toilet hygiene. We learnt all about washing our hands not only after going to the toilet but at other times in the day too such as before we eat or after we have been outside. We also recapped the story of pantosaurus which we learnt about during autumn term.…
Matching animal mothers to their young
Today in science and as part of our spring topic, the children have been looking at matching farm animal mothers to their offspring. We looked at animals such as cows, sheep, chickens and horses. They were able to name the animals and their young and match them up correctly.
Learning to work as a team!
Today the children took part in circle time where we were learning about the importance of working as a team and how we can do this in the classroom. We read the story Farmer Duck before deciding on some ways we can work together as a team in class this week. The children decided that they would…