This week we have been learning about life cycles. We learnt about the life cycle of frog. We watched videos and looked at photos to learn about each stage of the frog’s life cycle. We discovered that frogs begin their life as frogspawn, before hatching into tadpoles. We found out that the tadpoles grow and develop legs to become froglets, before developing further to become frogs

We read the story ‘The Teeny Weeny Tadpole’ to learn more about the life cycle of a frog. We enjoyed discussing the setting of the story and the different characters. We enjoyed sequencing the frog life cycle, and were able to discuss what happens at each stage.

In Maths, we have been learning about subtraction. We used tens frames and counters to help us answer subtractions problems. We then wrote or completed the number sentences to match.

In phonics, we have been practising reading words containing two or more digraphs, for example, ‘chain’ and ‘thinker’. We are now very good at spotting multiple digraphs in words!

In writing, we wrote a retell of the story ‘The Teeny Weeny Tadpole’. We discussed what happens in the beginning, middle and end of the story, before writing a sentence/caption about each part.

On Friday, we celebrated Red Nose Day. We came to school wearing something red, to raise money for charity. We discussed what this charity event does to help others, and the importance of helping others in need.