This week, we learnt about people who help us in our community. We spoke about different people and their jobs, including firefighters, police officers and postal workers. We discussed the important roles they play and considered how our community would be affected without them in it.

In maths, we have been learning all about capacity. We found out that capacity means how much a container will hold. We explored pouring different amounts of water into our containers, to make the container full, nearly full, half full, nearly empty and empty.

In phonics, we learnt the new digraph ‘er’ and the trigraph ‘air’. We practised reading these sounds in words and captions. We then moved onto reading longer words that contained double letters, such as ‘ladder’ and ‘kitten’. 

In writing, we have been writing captions about people who help us. We are continuing to work on our use of finger spaces independently. We also practised our letter formation of the ladder letters.

We recapped our learning about Clarice Cliff and looked at examples of her work. We then drew our own designs on a vase template, looking closely at her use of shape and line. We will revisit our designs next week to add colour.