This week we have began our learning of 'communities', we have started with out school community. We discussed what a community is and how the school has its own community, consisting of the people in the community, the activities we have and special places around the school.

We loved going on a walk around the school to spot the different places that make our school special. 

To support our learning we have read 'People Who Work in Our School' to help us understand the different roles around a school. This is what creates such a big, happy community! We know teachers and pupils are a big part of our community, but we also learnt that staff have different roles such as an office worker, lunch time roles, caretakers. 

Within independent learning the children have been painting different people in our school community. take a look at some super paintings! 

In phonics this week we have learnt four new sounds! We have been practising these daily and applying them within our writing. 

In writing we used our experience of going on a walk around the school to write about the different places. We came up with the captions together and the children independently used their phonics to segment. We have been working very hard on finger spaces and we are starting to use them more independently but still with some support. 

In maths we have been looking at weight. The children have identified 'heavy and light' and then gone on to order up to 3 objects by weight using the scales and their hands. We have all being using brilliant vocabulary during our learning to describe the different weights.

To end a busy week we were so excited to see snow this week! We couldn't help but go outside and enjoy the fun. I hope you all have a lovely weekend and I will see you Monday morning.