
This week in Art Year 6 had fun creating symbols which represented important aspects of themselves, such as an object which is important to them, their funniest memories,  what they enjoy doing after school and an amazing person they would take on their favourite holiday.

Please see below for some examples of their creative art work.


This week in history Year 6 looked at the appearance and personality of Henry VIII in more detail, they then created a profile of him to evidence their learning. Having studied his life and family they created his family tree and finished the lesson with a discussion on whether he was mean and selfish or just simply misunderstood.

It was lovely to hear the different opinions of the children across the class, with some children stating Henry VIII was not mean and selfish but wrongly misunderstood. See below some images of our fantastic learning:


In science this week we investigated how water refracts lights, Year 6 performed an experiment using a glass of water to explore the process of refraction, when light travels through different mediums. Children engaged well with the experiment and thoroughly enjoyed making observations from their experiments and discussing whether they matched their initial predictions. 


This week in RE children discussed the role of the conscience in helping us decide what is right or wrong. We looked at different scenarios and what children would do in each one, if they were faced with making a decision. It was interesting to hear some children would ignore their conscience if it benefitted them in some way whilst others spoke of doing what they thought was morally correct. Well done Year 6 for sharing your thought provoking views.


In Geography this week children explored coastal landforms. After defining a coastal landform they went on two compare two different landforms, and ended their lesson explaining how coastal landforms are created.