This week we have begun our learning about Autumn and the seasonal change which we see during this time of the year. We thought the best way to see what Autumn looks like is to go on an Autumn walk around the school grounds, it was very cold but we wrapped up warm and loved every minute of it. We were able to use our five senses to describe what Autumn is like and have been super at talking about Autumn this week from our experiences. 

We used our new knowledge of Autumn to create our own Autumn tree art thinking carefully about the colours which we used.

We have begun to learn about different animals in Autumn and learn what they do during the colder months, we were very interesting in finding out that some animals go to sleep 'hibernation' during Autumn and Winter. In our construction area we used kapla and wooden blocks to make animal homes for those animals which hibernate, by the end of the week the children were working together to make different homes.

We have been very busy building on our maths skills this week both in the independent provision and during adult led activities, in the provision we have been able to match the correct number of nuts to the number on squirrels nest, complete Autumn ABAB patterns and use magentic shapes to create new shapes and models. In our Adult led activity we were able to use the mathematic vocabulary of more and less and we could also show our knowledge of more and less by moving the nuts into different nests.

For our phonics we have been learning about environmental sounds and in our independent provision we have been demonstrating our new learning of different animal names and the sounds which they make. 

It has been another rainy week and this week we have enjoyed doing Cosmic Yoga, we spent the whole session carefully following the poses and completing the story. All children remained focused for the whole session and could not wait to do more.

I hope you all have a lovely weekend x