Forest School Enrichment Morning
What a super morning we have had! We enjoyed a forest school experience for enrichment day and we have been doing lots of different activities.
We loved den building, using our imagination, problem solving skills and working together to make a den. We then enjoyed some hot chocolate in our…
Name Writing ✍️
We are always practising our name writing and we are making super progress!
Well done nursery, continue to practise your name at home to and show your families how super you are!
Our First Time in Reception!
This week we spent 2 days in our new classrooms with our new teachers.
We were very excited and a little nervous but we had the best time exploring the room, activities and getting to our new teacher.
Miss Curtis and Miss Edward’s both had such lovely things to say about the children and they…
This week we have been using vocabulary to describe events. We sequence routines familiar to us and used language ‘fist, then, next, last’ to describe what we had sequenced.
super vocab!
How do people help us?
This week we continued our learning around people who help us. Last week we focused on what they look like, what uniform they wear, what colours they typically have and we have now extended our learning to how they help us.
Senses and Textures
The children have loved using their senses to explore the different materials. They have been using lots of vocabulary such as ‘soft, rough, smooth, fluffy’. Together we felt the materials and grouped them into the correct category.
Super vocabulary!
Sports Day
We had a super Sports Day with Reception!
We have been working so hard on our races and we were so happy to share these with our families. We all took part in different races and cheered our friends on when it was their turn.
thank you so much for coming and sharing this with us.
Representing Numbers
Super maths outside! We have been representing numbers and learning the correct formation through the number rhymes. I was amazed at their efforts. Well done Nursery.
People Who Help Us
This week we have learnt about people who help us. We have been focusing on what they look like and how to spot them in the community, this may be by their uniform, what vehicles the drive or certain places. we have began to talk about how they help us and we will continue this in more depth next…
Pre Writing Shapes
We have been getting ready for reception by reviewing our pre writing shape progress. I am so proud of the progression in our pencil control and I can see lots of different lines and shapes being formed.
this is the first step in reception to prepare them for their writing and they are already…
Father's Day cards
We made Father's Day cards for our dads to show our appreciation for all that they do for us. We decorated the front of our card by colouring and sticking, and then wrote a message inside. We are looking forward to giving our cards to our loved ones on Sunday. Happy Father's Day!
In maths we are focusing on patterns. The children have previously explored patterns all around us such as colours, animal prints, wallpapers and on our clothes.
This week we have looked at making our own repeating patterns. We began with looking at ABA patterns and describing what we see, we…