This week in Duck class we have been learning all about our immediate family. Thank you so much for bringing in your family photos, this has had a huge impact on the children's learning as they have been able to discuss and explain each person who is in their family. I am super proud of the children for showing respect and excellence  when discussing and listening to others. 

We have been reading 'The Family Book' and discussing how there are different families all over the world. We have looked at families who may live apart or together, discussed how each family looks different in their own way, and how many members we have in our family. 

It has been great to explore all of our families, looking at similarities and differences. 

We have been practising a variety of different skills over the term in preparation for our final project. This week we have been focusing on colours relating to our appearance. We have used the mirrors to colour in a template of our face. It is important the children are choosing the correct colours to represent objects and people when drawing. When looking our our appearance we also discussed different shades of a colour. For example having blue eyes - what shade of blue do we need to use? The children made an independent choice for this. 

In maths we have focused on our number formation. When forming numbers we complete the numbers in different stages based on the pencil control needed. To begin with we form numbers 1, 4, and 7, these are classed as 'straight' numbers. We then move onto 6 and 9, as our curved numbers. Finally, we complete 2, 3, 8, 9. 

We also use the number rhymes to support our formation of numbers. 

This week we have been developing our fine motor skills by cutting. We have discussed how to use the scissors safely, how to rotate the paper to access cutting easily and how to hold the scissors. We cut along straight lines, curved lines and zig-zag lines. 

In PE this week we have continued to look at crawling, climbing, jumping and hopping. We have worked within a carousal in our teams.