Dear Parents

We have simply been so busy in school since half term and the children have all returned to school focused and eager to learn. Last week was progress week in school and I am delighted to say the progress that pupils are making in school is absolutely sensational. 100% of pupils are making good or better progress with 68% making outstanding progress. We will keep aiming to get this to 100% by the end of July. The teachers have planned some fantastic learning for this half term and I cannot wait to see how much enjoyment the children have.

This next two weeks we have World Book Day, Y5 visiting London for a west end show ‘Wicked, Sports Relief and  Science Week with wonderful workshops and experiences and topic days in school. It will be a hive of learning activity. A huge thank you to all parents for your dedication and support to the school in providing costumes and working in partnership with Waterside. It really makes a difference.

A huge thank you for the parental support with the storms last week. Unfortunately it did cause a flood in our Nursery but we were quickly back up and running in true Waterside style. The repairs have taken place and so we should have no more incidents occur.

I would just like to share with parents how amazing the new kitchen in school is. The children have all commented how delicious the new school dinners are. I am going to be approaching City catering to ask if we can have a taster day to allow children on sandwiches to try them for one day. I will let parents know if I am successful in achieving this.

Over the next few weeks you might hear the children speaking about a new radio system in school. We have ordered our very own recording studio to allow our children to become their own recording artists. We will hosting the Weekly Waterside Waves – where we will bring you the most popular songs, news of school and interviews of special people in our community. We are looking forward to sharing how amazing our school is with the wider community. More information to follow.

A polite reminder, school uniform is compulsory and recently we have seen trainers creeping in. We take our policies very serious at Waterside. If your child is not in the correct uniform and it is not immediately rectified, escalation in line with the policy will take place. The policy is on the school website.

Should you have any questions, pop in and see me or email.

Mrs Knowles and the Waterside Team.