To all parents and carers,

Last week we had our Ofsted visit at Waterside, I can confirm that at this time we are not able to say the outcome until the report is shared and this is typicality around 3 weeks. I would like to share that the voice of so many parents was overwhelming positive and so supportive of the school and what we do. Thank you to all who spoke with the inspectors. They were very positive. I would also like to say that your children were sensational. They simply shone, as true droplets and spoke about their learning and aspirations with maturity and great intelligence. They took pride in showcasing their learning and homework and we showed them what we do day in day out.

Last week also saw our Year 6 children participate in SATS all week and Year 2 on Friday. I can confirm the children have all confirmed they were ‘the best they could be’ and feel they did incredibly well. We will get the results in July but regardless of outcome we are so proud of their achievements, they have been so focused and given their all. We are inspired by them.

This week we have our mobile phone policy out for consultation. Please ensure you mobile phone is not used on school site. This is to meet safeguarding requirements. If mobiles are seen being used, staff will ask you to stop using them or to speak outside of the school grounds. This is compliant with our child safeguarding policy. This week we will be updating our Sex, Relationships and Education policy for consultation. We will also be completing staff training on the SRE curriculum which is due to be delivered to our children in Summer 2. As with anything at Waterside, we will always open the doors for consultation. Therefore, on Monday 3rd June we have a consultation evening where parents will be able to book into school should they have any questions, want to see the curriculum for Summer 2 or formal discuss what the children will complete as tasks. This will allow us to create a curriculum that works for everyone in an inclusive and positive manner. Everyone is welcome. The curriculum for Summer 2 will be live online on Wednesday22nd May– after the staff training so please do not worry about content until you see it go live – we have already made it bespoke to our school community and consultation will allow you to discuss the content and permissions.

Any questions pop in or email me on

Mrs Knowles and the Waterside Team.