What a fantastic improvement in attendance last week. We reduced lates by 50% and attendance was the highest it has been for over 10 weeks. We peaked at 98.5%. Mrs Vaughan, is ensuring at all times our policy is being followed and encouraging keen attendance. She analyses triggers in attendance and any patterns to ensure that children are in school and learning. A huge thank you for her positive work. I can assure you when in school the children are receiving an exceptional level of teaching from the staff. The quality of teaching and learning is sensational and the teaching staff are committed to continual improvement to be the best we can be. I am delighted to be sharing that we have a number of experience and visits coming up for the children. This is to support the children on their wider curriculum and to further develop connections between vocabulary and experience. This will then help not only develop subject knowledge but reading, writing and maths development. Some exciting news is through fund raising and income from National Leader of Education and my commissioned Ofsted work we have saved enough to buy not 1 but 2 minibuses for the children. This will significantly enhance the experiences of our children. We will be able to access even more sporting events, local trips from Nursery to Y6 in the community and to support more experiences linked to the school curriculum. It will also mean that instead of paying over £5000 for transport to swimming. We will be able to send double the children swimming. We aim to take delivery in March of the new Minibuses. To share with parents, we have a teaching and learning review at the end of this month where we will be aiming to continue our outstanding provision in all areas. Should you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me or a member of our team Mrs Knowles and the Waterside Team.