Independent Learning!
Independent Learning.
In nursery we learn through our play and we love exploring and engaging in new activities each week. The children guide their own learning and this supports building on prior knowledge and extending their knowledge.
We have been developing fine motor skills with play…
Exploring Tools
We explored different tools, we looked at what different marks they make and talked about what they look like and linked this to textures. We then chose which ones were our favourite, we used this tool to decorate our own bear.
More and Fewer
In maths we have been learning ‘more and fewer’. The children were identifying different amounts practically and through images and using the language of more/fewer independently.
We then practised making more and fewer with the ladybirds.
The children have been practising all week in provision…
We have had a new role play area! Welcome to the theatre ☺️
The children have loved dressing up, using the puppets and putting on shows for their friends.
We have been creating our own narratives, playing in groups ands learning new words. It has been lovely seeing the children help each other,…
Comparing Weight
We have been comparing different objects and talking about if they are heavy or light. We used our hands to test their weight and then we looked at images and guessed if they would be heavy or light.
We have a good understanding or weight and are using this independently in play.
Fine Motor Skills and Tracing Our Names
We have been using crayons to develop our pencil grip and control. We coloured in and tried our best to stay in the lines. We then finished by tracing our names.
Super fine motor SKILLS
Exploring Winter!
We were so excited to see the snow this week and we loved using our senses and hands on exploration to explore winter. We talked about the weather, how cold it is and what can keep us warm . We used our hands to feel snow and describe what it felt like and made a class snowman.
Celebrating Bonfire Night
This week we have been learning about Bonfire Night. We have discussed through books, videos and songs what bonfire night is and how different people celebrate.
We used our senses to experience a bonfire night. We listened to different types of fireworks and used great vocabulary to describe…
Our New Role Play Area
We had a new role play area that we have loved exploring. We have used our personal experiences to take part in ‘shopping’. We are learning new vocabulary, how to create narratives with friends and lots of social skills.
Using all Our Senses in Forest School
This week we have been learning all about Autumn. We took part in our first Forest School session with Autumn activities.
We enjoyed leaf threading, mud painting, collaging with natural materials and pumpkin cutting.
We talked about our sea sea and used them for hands on…
Family Picture Frames
Last week we drew pictures of our families, this week we have been decorating picture frames to put our drawings in.
The children have explored new tools and materials and learnt how to use them such as scissor skills, bingo dabblers, collaging tissue paper and glitter.
They have chosen what…