This week Y4 have completed their NFER assessments and I could not be more proud of them. This class continue to impress me and it has been truly wonderful to see how they have flourished and progressed. They have shown great resilience and determination to be the absolute best they can be. Take a look below at some other fantastic learning this has taken place this week.


In Writing this week, we have completed our independent writes. We have written a narrative poem based on the story of Hansel and Gretel using skills such as rhyming couplets, syllables per line and figurative language (similes, metaphors and personification). I was so so impressed with the quality of Writing from Manatees, considering we have had limited time to prepare for our poem. It is clear to see that so many children in our class have a flare for creative writing and Miss Marsh and I thoroughly enjoyed reading the poems that the children wrote.


We have had limited Maths lessons this week due to our assessments however towards the end of the week we have continued our learning based on decimals. We learnt how to round decimals to the nearest whole number. Y4 applied the rounding rules they learnt when they rounded non-decimal numbers and this meant that they could round decimal numbers too. 


In Science this week we have continued with our learning about ‘The Water Cycle’. This week we have looked at condensation and evaporation in more detail considering how these two processes are also reversible. We looked at different examples of condensation and evaporation to prove that these processes happen all the time around us without us even realising! We then conducted an investigation to investigate the rate at which condensation and evaporation happens. We found that when water is warmer is will evaporation quicker and form condensation quicker. To demonstrate this we put two cups of water in different bowls (one cup was filled with hot water and one cup was filled with cold water) and observed to see if any evaporation and condensation had taken place.


In History this week, we learnt all about Roman Towns. We learnt that Roman towns had public baths in which people met with their friends, bathed and exercised. We also learnt that these baths were kept warm by furnaces and hypocausts. We also found out that Romans towns are also famous for having  a forum which was a central meeting place for Romans that included markets, shops and the town government. This was a fascinating lesson that helped us to consider how well thought out Roman towns were.


In Geography this week we have continued with out topic entitled ‘Tourism’. This week we considered how tourism has changed. We began the lesson by looking at data that highlights how many tourists visit different destinations each year. We found that Spain has been the most popular destination over the last few years followed by France, Italy and the USA. We then considered how and why tourism has changed due to developments in transport such as those developments in railways and aircrafts. This was a really fascinating lesson which enabled us to consider how tourism is constantly changing to reflect the world in which we live in. 

Thank you for taking the time to read this week’s blog. Enjoy your weekend!

Miss Selman and Miss Marsh