I can’t believe we are into our second week of our Spring term, it has been lovely getting to know the children better. Take a look at what we have been learning.


In English this week we have continued to look at our text ‘Oliver Twist’. We have started to prepare for our first independent write of 2023, which will be a retell of Oliver but with a twist. The children have already started to gather their ideas and I can’t wait to read them. To help us we have been brushing up on our grammar and punctuation skills including learning about adverbs and direct speech.


This week in Maths we have continued our learning on fractions delving deeper into equivalent fractions. We first used our Math’s resources to help us to explore this new concept, we then moved on to drawing our own bar models and number lines to help us find fractions that are the same. In arithmetic we practiced our halving and doubling skills, although it has been tricky I am very proud of how determined everyone has been to progress.


In Science we are continuing our physics topic of ‘Light’, this week we all became scientists and explored different types of reflective surfaces,.


The children are enjoying learning more about Ancient Egypt, this week we have looked further into the people who would have lived there. We discussed the hierarchy, including Pharaohs, scribes and craftsman. The children in particular enjoyed learning about hieroglyphics.


This week we have delved further into different settlements, focusing on the key features of a village. Once we had discussed what you can expect to see in a village the children were particularly enthusiastic when it came to creating a map of their settlement.