
In English this week the children have begun to research Pirates as part of their preparation for writing a non chronological report. The children have learnt about the text features that make up a non-chronological report and will use this knowledge next week to create their own. The children learnt to use the internet and facts sheets about pirates to research particular aspects about them. They then gave short presentations as a group to the whole, on what they had found out and so that the other children could take notes. 


This week the children have continued to work on and developed their knowledge of multiplying a 2 digit number by a 1 digit number, with and without exchange. This has required the children to draw on their basic multiplication recall, doubling knowledge and place value knowledge (especially where there is an exchange either into the tens or hundreds column).  The children have also worked to develop their quick mental recall of basic multiplication facts. 


In Geography this week, the children have learnt about the mountainous regions in the UK. Understanding that these are mountain ranges that tourists visit regularly, which generates money and jobs for the local people in these areas. The children worked to make comparisons between a few of these mountain ranges and labelled these on a UK map.