For the whole of the term we have had a focus on Friendship as our value. The children have been thinking about how we can work together as a team and be a good friend to everyone. I am very proud to see the children showing this value.

In English, we begun the week learning to use a variety of sentence types with the correct punctuation (question mark, exclamation mark and full stop). 

After this lesson, we have had lots of Year 2 skills practise and know the story The Owl who was afraid of the dark very well. The story is long and has many characters in it so we wrote a first person retell over 3 days. We have wrote the beginning of the story using adjectives to describe ourselves as the character Plop and the setting. For the middle of the story, we used a variety of openers to add more detail to our writing and for the ending we used the variety of sentence types. The children have worked really hard to independently write the retell and they should be very proud of their stamina in writing this week!

In Maths we have continued to look at Multiplication. The children begun the week with recognising  equal group representations for a multiplication sum. From this we had focused days for the times tables that the children should already know how to count in from Year 1. In Year 2 the children are introduced to the multiplication symbol and what it means to be able to work out x2 , x5 , x10 and we have begun to learn our 3s.

In Encompass we have answered the question 'How did the Great Fire of London start?'

The children listened to the events that happened over four days of the Great Fire of London and were then able to sequence cards in the correct order. The children answered quiz questions and also enjoyed the 'Pudding Lane Bakery' role play area which deepened their understanding of the events.