We have had a very busy but excellent week in Jellyfish this week. We have been working hard on ways to demonstrate our value of the week this week, which has been excellence and there have been some fabulous examples from all of us! 


In our English lessons this week we have spent time developing our skills. We have looked at prepositions of place and time, adverbs of manner and time and both coordinating and subordinating conjunctions! We have really enjoyed writing using these skills this week and understanding how we can use them in different contexts. On Friday we ended the week planning our alternative narratives making sure we will be able to use our alternative features when we write next week. 


We have come to a huge mathematical milestone this week within out addition and subtraction unit of learning. We have started to use the formal method! To start this we used lots of concrete resources and large model layouts to help us understand. We then moved on to laying this out correctly in our books and seeing it in a more abstract way. We really impressed Miss French this week, we have definitely shown excellence in maths this week!


In History this week we learnt more about Stonehenge and how it was built. We were fascinated about how they transported the different stone to the site where it was built. Did you know they used tree trunks as rollers? We were also mind blown that they transported the bluestones all the way from Wales! We then wrote a set of instructions to explain how the ancient monument was constructed. In Geography we looked at how a river shapes the land. We looked at v shaped valleys, erosion and spurs!