For Children’s Mental Health Week, we have practiced some mindfulness breathing to keep a calm and focused minds. It was fantastic to see the children so involved and enjoying the process :)

In English, we have planned to write an alternate ending to The Girl of Ink and Stars before practicing the skill of using cohesion. We are so impressed with the children's ideas for their alternate event, with some children even planning for the two protagonists (who are best friends) to turn on each other. How imaginative!

In Maths, we have spent the week revising our knowledge of multiplication! We have practiced the skill of multiplication to ensure understanding, as we found this topic a little tricky at first. With plenty of practice, we finished the week by applying our skill to reasoning and problem solving.

In History, we learnt about life in Danelaw for the Vikings completing a carousel of activities to learn about the Northmen's culture once they settled in England.