This week has been a very busy week and we have worked hard to progress our learning in our lessons. We are becoming more confident every day and Miss Smith is very proud of us!

In English we had an exciting trip to the local forest to prepare us for our Setting Description next week. We walked sensibly and thought about our senses as we crept through the forest pretending to be Little Red Riding Hood. Luckily, we didn't bump into the big, bad wolf but we did see lots of squirrels, a river, a bridge, a small pond and LOTS of very tall trees. We discussed lots of new vocabulary such as gnarled, cobbled, towering, dense and rickety to describe what we saw on our visit. When we got back to school we were able to write beautiful sentences using a new language and had a much better understanding after our trip.  

In Maths we have been adding two 2 digit numbers. We began by looking at  numbers that didn't cross the boundary before moving onto more complex addition when we had to cross over the 10 (34 + 27). We used a number line to help us and used dienes to visualise the re-grouping process. After a couple of lessons practising, most of us were able to do this independently and some of us even moved onto problem solving. At the end of the week we moved onto subtraction but this is something we found particularly challenging. We practising counting backwards and completed subtraction practically to make sure we understood before we moved on. 

In Encompass we have compared Stoke-on-Trent to London looking at it's size, population, landmarks and transport. We discovered that although both cities are in England, they are very different! Stoke-on-Trent has a smaller population and doesn't have as many famous landmarks as London does. We sorted the similarities and differences and used them to compare the 2 cities using key geographical language. 

In Science we have looked at food chains. Looking at the key words: producer, consumer, prey and predator. We made human food chains with whiteboards to represent the different animals/plants. We realised that every producer was a plant and the predators were the animals that hunted and ate other animals. We learned that the arrow in a food chain shows the transfer of energy which helped us to explain them.