Our story focus this week is 'Incredible You'. The children have loved reading this story as they have related to a lot of the example in the book. For example, being loud like a lion, and cheeky like a monkey. We have picked out key vocabulary such as 'incredible' 'interest' 'hobbies' and discussed what it means. The children all picked one thing that made them incredible and told their friends using full sentences.  'I am incredible because...' 

It has been lovely to hear their interests and hobbies, the children each drew a variety of things that they like. 

This week in writing we have been tracing different lines to develop and refine our pencil control. The children traced over their target shape (taken from the pre-writing shapes) and tried their best to stick to the lines. 

Some children moved on to letter formation. The traced over the taught sounds so far and had ago independently. 

In maths this week we have been focusing on counting. We have counted regular and irregular arrangements and then progressed towards matching number to quantity. The children recognised numbers within 10 and then collected the amount to match. 

Brilliant counting using the 5 principles of counting. 

This week we have been looking at drawing different shapes, in different sizes. This includes drawing shapes, within shapes. ITs important the children can draw a shape so they can represent objects and people accurately in their drawings. This was a lovely activity to support our fine motor skills. 

In PE this week we have used all of the movements we have been practising and put them into a variety of different activities. We focused on our spacial awareness  and I have seen a big improvement in the children. They are more aware of their surroundings and know to look around before changing direction or moving. We have incorporated different movements into our carousal and the children have shown their ability to move more confidently and safely when running, jumping, skipping and hoping. 

Well done Ducks!

Next week we will be focusing on our family. This will include what a family is, who is in our immediate family and comparing families to see similarities and differences. 

I hope you have a lovely weekend and I will see you all Monday,

Miss Mayer