Super Science!
This week in Science, we have been learning all about how blood gets around our bodies. We learnt about arteries, veins and capillaries and their functions within the circulatory system. We also analysed blood pressure readings. Y6 are really enjoying this topic so far and have produced some…
Egg-cellent Science
Today we had lots of fun exploring materials. We investigated which material would be best for protect Humpty from falling off the wall.
Wild or Garden plant?
We have really enjoyed our Science topic on plants so far! Take a look at us exploring the school grounds for wild plants and garden plants. When we got back to the classroom we recorded our findings by drawing the plants we saw and labelling them.
Exploring our local habitat!
Last week, Y6 went on a walk around our local area around school to try and spot a range of different living organisms. We were surprised at how many living organisms could actually be found around our local area! We then came back to class to try and classify the different organisms using a plant…
Cress investigation
Today we set up an investigation to see in which conditions the cress seeds would grow best. We wrote a list of equipment and made our predictions before planting the cress seeds. We decided to choose four different conditions. We will observe them next week to see what has happened.
Life cycle of a bird!
We have had a great time in Science this afternoon as we have created a model to represent the life cycle of a bird. We then presented them to the class using key vocabulary!
Building a bridge for the Three Billy Goats
We worked in teams and used materials including paper cups, lollipop sticks and straws to construct a bridge for the Three Billy Goats. Our objective was to build a bridge that would enable the Three Billy Goats to cross the river and reach the fresh, green grass on the other side! We enjoyed…
Classifying vertebrates!
This week in Science, Y6 have started a brand new topic entitled ‘Living things and their habitats’. For our first lesson, we used clues to try and classify a range of animals. Did you know a turtle is classified as a reptile and a bat is classified as a mammal?
Celery Success
Today Year 3 have learned about how water travels through a plant from the roots to the leaves. We then investigated this by using celery and food coloured water to observe the plant absorbing the colourful water. Look at our results and a fantastic example of the work that was produced!
Spring Spies!
We are learning about the season Spring! Today we have watched a video about nature in Spring and the changes that have happened from Winter. We have made observations about the plants and animals and recorded them in our books. Our minds are blooming with new knowledge!
Observing our caterpillars grow and change
Over the past few weeks we have been observing our class caterpillars grow and change. They have grown from tiny caterpillars to much bigger caterpillars, and then they turned into cocoons! We are excited to report that this week, two beautiful butterflies emerged from the cocoons! We have given…