Teddy Bears Picnic
This week we continued to focus our learning around the teddy Bears Picnic. We have learnt so much through this book and we ended our topic with a picnic for ourselves!
Together we made our picnic food.
We have developed our fine motor skills by learning how to use a knife for spreading,…
We’re Going on a Bear Hunt
Today we went on a sensory bear hunt where we took our shoes off and walked through some of the scenes from our topic story “we’re going on a bear hunt” the children were able to feel the textures of the material on their feet, we talked about how each one felt, for example, the grass felt “soft”…
Enrichment Fun!
We had an end of year treat for working super hard!
We had so much fun with Mr Stewart playing different games on the bouncy castle.
Fine Motor Skills and Tracing Our Names
We have been using crayons to develop our pencil grip and control. We coloured in and tried our best to stay in the lines. We then finished by tracing our names.
Super fine motor SKILLS
Playground Games
Last week BeeActive came in to play some games with us! We loved joining in and playing with our friends.
We have begun Gymnastics this half term and we have remembered a lot of the shapes that we made with our bodies from Reception. The children could show me a tuck, pike, straddle and star shape. We also recapped some more of the shapes that we may have forgotten about and used them in a sequence.
Fine Motor Skills
This week we enjoyed the play dough. We used our fine motor skills to manipulate the dough to make different features of our face. We then talked about our families and the children started to make their family members.
We discussed is everyone the same? What makes us different? Is it ok to be…
It’s all about balance!
With Bee Active, we are focusing on balance and the importance of space. We know to find space we need to look with our heads up, scan the area and that we may need to change our direction. We practised balancing in lots of different fun games!
Talk for Writing
We used 'Talk for Writing' to retell our Treasure Book story, Whatever Next! We thought of pictures to draw for each part of the story and added actions to help us retell it in our own words.
All About Me
We have began our topic ‘All About Me’ and we started by looking at our body parts and facial features. We loved using construction to make up our body and describing the different parts. We practised using our body parts to move in different ways during our PE lesson and used loose parts to make…
Jungle Yoga!
This half term we have Yoga on a Monday. We have practiced lots of different jungle poses and have been building on creating a jungle story using them. We have perfected the parrot, tree and log pose!
Forest School Enrichment Morning
What a super morning we have had! We enjoyed a forest school experience for enrichment day and we have been doing lots of different activities.
We loved den building, using our imagination, problem solving skills and working together to make a den. We then enjoyed some hot chocolate in our…