Forest schools enrichment morning!
Today the children took part in forest school as part of their enrichment. We built dens, went on a bug hunt, did mud painting and drank hot chocolate. We used our senses lots this morning!
Beeston Castle
Today we enjoyed a visit to Beeston Castle where we applied all of our learning on Pre-historic times.
Art and crafts
Check out these amazing optical illusion pictures created by our talented year 5 and 6 children!!
Blists Hill
Today we went to Blists Hill Victorian Village, linked to our previous learning in history on the victorians. We dressed up as Victorian school children and went to a Victorian school room where we met Mrs McCallester. We discovered it was very different in a Victorian school. After lunch we went…
Science Day
We enjoyed a Science assembly as part of our celebrations for British Science Week. The Science Boffins wowed us with some exciting demonstrations, including chemical reactions and the how different forces act upon objects. We all participated brilliantly and it was so lovely to see the children's…
Finding our favourite Dipper!
Year 1 have spent their DT lesson using their senses to find their favourite dipper . They tasted cucumber, breadstick, carrot and tortilla crisps! Their firm favourite was tortilla crisps with 18 of 30 voting for it.
Book in a Jar competition
We are amazed by the entries for our Book in a Jar competition. Our winner will be announced tomorrow!
World Book Day
We celebrate World Book Day by cosying up with a good book and a hot chocolate.
On Wednesday, our Year 5 classes travelled to London to watch Wicked. The performance was incredible and we throughly enjoyed the experience. We were so proud of all the children and a member of the public commented on how well behaved they were. Well done everyone!
Funky Fingers
Today in funky fingers our year 2 children got creative peg boards! They created some amazing patterns! They also made some very impressive structures with the construction straws!
Funky fingers!
Our year 2s got chatty making their chatter box’s today! They made them very colourful and shared some very kind and positive comments to each other!
Funky fingers fun!
Here are our year 2s getting super creative with the play dough! We had some very interesting and detailed models!