Marvellous Maths in Sealions- Sorting objects
Today we have done some excellent maths in Sealion class, we were given a variety of objects which we then had to sort in as many ways as we could. We were able to sort the objects by colour, shape, size and catergory.
Forest School Enrichment Morning
What a super morning we have had! We enjoyed a forest school experience for enrichment day and we have been doing lots of different activities.
We loved den building, using our imagination, problem solving skills and working together to make a den. We then enjoyed some hot chocolate in our…
Name Writing ✍️
We are always practising our name writing and we are making super progress!
Well done nursery, continue to practise your name at home to and show your families how super you are!
Our First Time in Reception!
This week we spent 2 days in our new classrooms with our new teachers.
We were very excited and a little nervous but we had the best time exploring the room, activities and getting to our new teacher.
Miss Curtis and Miss Edward’s both had such lovely things to say about the children and they…
Senses and Textures
The children have loved using their senses to explore the different materials. They have been using lots of vocabulary such as ‘soft, rough, smooth, fluffy’. Together we felt the materials and grouped them into the correct category.
Super vocabulary!
Forest School Fun!
For our last Forest School session this academic year, we celebrated by enjoying a toasted marshmallow, more den building (this is our favourite activity), mud painting and chalking. The children truly do thrive in outdoor learning!
On the Farm
What an amazing day we have had in Ducklings class.
Today the mobile farm came to school and we loved looking at the different animals, petting them, feeding them and learning facts about the animals.
The children impressed the farmer with their knowledge of the animals and how to take care…
Rhyme Time!
We began with creating sounds through body percussion and showing Miss Mayer how well we could listen and copy the actions/sounds. We then incorporated the instruments playing slow, fast, loud and quiet. The children were super and listening and then repeating my rhythm.
We then looked at…
Stay and Play with Nursery
Thank you so much to everybody who attended the play and stay sessions. It was lovely to show you around our classroom and share our learning about the farm with you. I know the children had so much fun decorating animals, showing you their favourite areas and making memories with you.
Team Games
In PE this term we will be focusing on a team Games. The children have been working within small groups to complete different activities.
We will focus on our ability to follow instructions and rules of the game, turn taking, and communication with friends. Within games we can sometimes find…
Developing Fine Motor Skills
This week we have been focusing on developing our fine motor skills. It is important we are constantly exercising our fingers to develop strength in preparation for holding pencils to draw and begin forming letters.
Forest School Fun
We have had an amazing time at forest school. We took part in a variety of activities to help us understand and care for animals and living things in our environment. We explored natural materials and used them to express our ideas and thoughts through art.
We took part in mud painting, leaf…