Changing fonts
In computing we have used our IPads to change the font, size of the writing and colour. We experimented how this changes how our presentation looks.
Comparing Keswick and Stoke-on-Trent
Today in Geography we have compared Keswick and Stoke-on-Trent. We have looked at the physical and human features, ability to travel and the population.
Rebuilding London after the Great Fire
In History we have learned about how London was rebuilt after The Great Fire. We discussed how improvements were made to ensure a disaster like this never happens again. Roads were made wider and straighter so houses could be more spaced out. Houses were made out of brick which is a less flammable…
Terrific Typing
Today in computing we have started to use both hand to type on a keyboard. We all showed ur value of determination and made great progress.
Dino Disco!
Today year 2 had a visit from CBSO Hybrid Orchestra who performed for the children. We learnt all about rhythm, tempo, pitch etc… At the end we had a dinosaur disco, great fun was had by all.
Skara Brae
Continuing our History topic of the Stone Age we looked at the Pre-Historic village of Skara Brae which can be found in the Orkney Isles. Some of our human ancestors stopped being nomadic (moving around) and built homes. These small homes were round in shape and everything was made from…
The Stone Age
In History we have being learning learning about are human ancestors. We looked at cave paintings created in the Stone Age. We learnt that these were found all over the world and often depicted animals. We explored how these paintings can tell us about life in the Stone Age.
Internet searching
In computing we have continued to look at effective searching online. Today we have used our searching skills to answer questions about Dinosaurs. We have looked at how when we search online it creates a digital footprint.
Multiskills- Balancing
In PE we have being looking at balancing on different body parts, and what we can do to stay balanced.