We've had another busy week in Penguins class and we can't wait for the half term break! This week we had an exciting trip out of school around the local area to look for human and physical features. We then used our knowledge to create our own map with a simple key of our surrounding area. This was to complete our topic of Our King's Country. Our next Humanities topic will be Famous Explorers which we're excited to begin. 

In English this week we applied our knowledge of Cinquain poems to write our own poem about Spring. We followed the same steps as last week but this time, completely independently! The poems we produced were amazing and included all of the word types we had learned about. The performances at the end of the week were Miss Smith's favourite part as we've all grown in confidence SO much and performed really well with actions too! 

In Maths we moved onto looking at 2D Shapes. We recapped on what well known 2D shapes were called before learning about the properties using key words such as 'line, vertices, vertex, curved and straight'. We really enjoyed using the real shapes and labelling the different features on our whiteboards. After learning about the properties, we were then able to compare different shapes, commenting on the similarities and differences. At the end of the week we put all of this learning together to sort 2D shapes using Venn diagrams and Caroll diagrams. We found this tricky at first but showed determination! 

In Science this week we looked at how important it is to keep ourselves clean - thinking about bacteria and how to prevent it from causing harm. We completed an exciting activity using glitter to demonstrate how germs are easily spread from person to person. We then investigated the best way of removing the germs and discovered that soap and water was the only thing that got rid of most of the glitter (bacteria) on our hands.